Saturday, February 23, 2013

Power of the People

I witnessed something today , people uniting for one cause . No, it was not for a charity or a cause of action. It was a group of people I've never meet but have had several conversations with. People that do not live with in a twenty-five mile radius of my Castle DE Capps but yet I have invited into my home several times . People of different race , religion , and political status . A group of people that I can say I'm proud to be associated with. These people are people that I follow and that follow me on Twitter . All of your local news will report a story tonight , a story of a race , a race that took place in Daytona fl.    , and in that race a crash happens that puts the spectators in grave danger. What they won't tell you is what I saw in the aftermath of the wrecked race cars littering the infield of Dayton International Speedway. These same people banding together in prayer for those spectators injured from debris. Keep in mind we did not know these fans nor their families but some how we felt for them as if they were our close family member . Tweet after Tweet I read made me fill with pride to know that I picked the right "sport" to be associated with. No one cared at the time if their driver won , finished 2nd or 40th, they cared about that person from New York , Tennessee , Texas or where ever they are from sitting in the path of that debris field breaking through that catch fence, if you would like to tell your kids what the definition of what class is ; you won't find it in the Webster's dictionary , you will find it in a NASCAR fan. I thought back just a bout a month ago when the San Francisco 49ers played in Atlanta for a playoff game that the 49ers won , a stabbing was reported after the game because of a riff between fans of different teams. There are 40 drivers that competed in that race today and at the time just after the accident everyone was a fan of a "fan". That got me to thinking , what if we took that compassion , love, and the belief in prayer to another level ; our home, our community, our state and our country. Could you imagine what change would come our way? Just think about it . I like to use the saying " pulling on the same end of the rope" meaning don't fight me, help me. If we could all be compassionate , loving , and have the faith in prayer in other words if we could all just be a NASCAR fan this would be a world we would all be proud to be associated with.