Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Where are all the Real Men at ?


 noun \ˈman, in compounds ˌman or mən\
: an adult male human being
: a man or boy who shows the qualities (such as strength and courage) that men are traditionally supposed to have
: a woman's husband or boyfriend

First off I stole that , That is from the Merriam web site . That is what this world views as a man, but what if I told told you there was a different kind kind of man , one of great power with influence and clout . A man with with GOD in his heart , the Holy Spirit running through his blood , and the SON as his compass . Would I be describing a DC Comic book hero ?  Hey, maybe one those Hollywood type super hero that kills the villian and gets the girl.  Ummmm No!

I would be describing a man that GOD put on this earth to obey and give glory to him , but he failed . Adam allowed the Devil to deciveve his mate thus decisive him. Why do I say allowed ? In Genesis  God asked where are you ? Adam was hiding ? Why ? Because GOD knew his every move , but Adam repented .
My friends I ask you which man are you ?  Being of age , stature , husband or are you a man that GOD would look upon and say " this is my work and he will obey and follow " . You see the Bible teaches us many things about being a man , what our roles are and how we should conduct ourselves . First of which is a man after his own heart , then a man that will bear fruit to the kingdom of GOD then teach the child in the way he should go so that when he grows old he shall not depart from it . I have a confession to make ; I am a father of two wonderful healthy children that I love dearly; However , that does not make make me a man , merely a father.

I did not become a Daddy until God spoke to me on the most unlikely terms. My marriage wasn't what you might call a storybook marriage . That was because I lived for me and me  only . Period . What I put my wife through was not found in the Bible ,( You know it was , it has every instance in it ) but she stuck through it with me because she loved me . If ever there was a way to show ones love on this earth she found it.
Then a movie came out it was called "Courageous". I went . I saw . I wept. that movie showed me that any man could be a father but it took something special to be a Daddy . Even today when I hear my kids say DaDa or Daddy ( My kids are 7yrs  and 20 months ) it makes me melt, I am the weakest I've ever been , Thats the Holy Spirit telling me " I give these kids unto  you " .   

The message I had received was pretty clear in my book , God put his hand on my children, our life, and our family as to say " Follow Me".

I am not immune to reality tv , although I try limit myself to the helpful verity , HGTV and DIY network . My daughter and I have an on going game as to weather they "love it or list it" I win on most counts , I find the reason most disturbing,   

I see men allowing them selves to become sheep to the alter.  When I see the reaction of the female, I know the outcome. Look when the woman speak our first reaction is to listen ,  I was right there with you guys , but then I read the leader of the household Ephesians 5:22-24. This is a reminder to follow your husband as you would the church , therfor support him and encourage him as he leads your family to GOD .
Its not an I don't care what you think attitude , it's just a"this is what I think is best " attitude .

I'm about to drop some knowledge on you " Boys "

Do you know who is responsible  for raising your child ?
Do you know who is responsible  as the  LEADER of the household ? 
Do you know who is responsible to lead your child to christ ?
The answer is YOU MAN !
Thats right big boy " YOU ! "
You don't believe me ? 
Read your Bible 
Send me the chapter and the verse that states that as a man you are not responsible for your childs salvation .

To you young boys , fathers , contract me so that I may lead you to the right person that can and will help you 

You wan to prove you the meanest son of a gun out there ? 
Then take on this chalenge ....... Raise your child in the way to go and when he is old , he shall never depart from it !
You want a fight ?
 I mean a no holds barred fight ?
Now I'm talking a world renowned killa ?
I'm talking the baddest dude in town 
Anybody that puplickly announced they could defeat the Messia?

I'm looking for Real Men to hold me accountable 
I'm looking for Real  Men to hold themselves accountable 
I'm looking for Real Men to hold others accountable 

I'm Looking for for a real man of GOD ! 
Why is the Holy Spirit working on the men of this world ?
Because we are the sons of GOD
Because we Believe in the unseen 
Because we believe the battle is won!
Because the Devil knows he's defeated , He just don't want to admit it!     

Stand up ! 
Stand up !