Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Where are all the Real Men at ?


 noun \ˈman, in compounds ˌman or mən\
: an adult male human being
: a man or boy who shows the qualities (such as strength and courage) that men are traditionally supposed to have
: a woman's husband or boyfriend

First off I stole that , That is from the Merriam web site . That is what this world views as a man, but what if I told told you there was a different kind kind of man , one of great power with influence and clout . A man with with GOD in his heart , the Holy Spirit running through his blood , and the SON as his compass . Would I be describing a DC Comic book hero ?  Hey, maybe one those Hollywood type super hero that kills the villian and gets the girl.  Ummmm No!

I would be describing a man that GOD put on this earth to obey and give glory to him , but he failed . Adam allowed the Devil to deciveve his mate thus decisive him. Why do I say allowed ? In Genesis  God asked where are you ? Adam was hiding ? Why ? Because GOD knew his every move , but Adam repented .
My friends I ask you which man are you ?  Being of age , stature , husband or are you a man that GOD would look upon and say " this is my work and he will obey and follow " . You see the Bible teaches us many things about being a man , what our roles are and how we should conduct ourselves . First of which is a man after his own heart , then a man that will bear fruit to the kingdom of GOD then teach the child in the way he should go so that when he grows old he shall not depart from it . I have a confession to make ; I am a father of two wonderful healthy children that I love dearly; However , that does not make make me a man , merely a father.

I did not become a Daddy until God spoke to me on the most unlikely terms. My marriage wasn't what you might call a storybook marriage . That was because I lived for me and me  only . Period . What I put my wife through was not found in the Bible ,( You know it was , it has every instance in it ) but she stuck through it with me because she loved me . If ever there was a way to show ones love on this earth she found it.
Then a movie came out it was called "Courageous". I went . I saw . I wept. that movie showed me that any man could be a father but it took something special to be a Daddy . Even today when I hear my kids say DaDa or Daddy ( My kids are 7yrs  and 20 months ) it makes me melt, I am the weakest I've ever been , Thats the Holy Spirit telling me " I give these kids unto  you " .   

The message I had received was pretty clear in my book , God put his hand on my children, our life, and our family as to say " Follow Me".

I am not immune to reality tv , although I try limit myself to the helpful verity , HGTV and DIY network . My daughter and I have an on going game as to weather they "love it or list it" I win on most counts , I find the reason most disturbing,   

I see men allowing them selves to become sheep to the alter.  When I see the reaction of the female, I know the outcome. Look when the woman speak our first reaction is to listen ,  I was right there with you guys , but then I read the leader of the household Ephesians 5:22-24. This is a reminder to follow your husband as you would the church , therfor support him and encourage him as he leads your family to GOD .
Its not an I don't care what you think attitude , it's just a"this is what I think is best " attitude .

I'm about to drop some knowledge on you " Boys "

Do you know who is responsible  for raising your child ?
Do you know who is responsible  as the  LEADER of the household ? 
Do you know who is responsible to lead your child to christ ?
The answer is YOU MAN !
Thats right big boy " YOU ! "
You don't believe me ? 
Read your Bible 
Send me the chapter and the verse that states that as a man you are not responsible for your childs salvation .

To you young boys , fathers , contract me so that I may lead you to the right person that can and will help you 

You wan to prove you the meanest son of a gun out there ? 
Then take on this chalenge ....... Raise your child in the way to go and when he is old , he shall never depart from it !
You want a fight ?
 I mean a no holds barred fight ?
Now I'm talking a world renowned killa ?
I'm talking the baddest dude in town 
Anybody that puplickly announced they could defeat the Messia?

I'm looking for Real Men to hold me accountable 
I'm looking for Real  Men to hold themselves accountable 
I'm looking for Real Men to hold others accountable 

I'm Looking for for a real man of GOD ! 
Why is the Holy Spirit working on the men of this world ?
Because we are the sons of GOD
Because we Believe in the unseen 
Because we believe the battle is won!
Because the Devil knows he's defeated , He just don't want to admit it!     

Stand up ! 
Stand up ! 

Monday, December 16, 2013

The " Time Out " Generation

"You need to take a time out"," Do you want me to put you in time out?"," Don't make me put you in time out".  How many times have you heard these words spew from parents mouths during dinner, movie or even the playground?  When I was growing up there were two types of "time out", one was in the sports world, not the ones on any video games, the real sports that you have to get off the couch to play, you know the ones when you got a bruise you knew where it came from.  The other one came from my dad, who use to take "time out" of his day to bust my behind when it was needed.  I hear on the news or read in the papers about "kids these days", kids, wonder why we don't hear about parents these days?  Is it not our sole job as a parent to raise kids to be respectful, reliable, and most of all accountable?  I can hear people saying "Did he just spank that child?" Yes ma'am I did.  Read your BIBLE, spare the rod and spoil the child.  Now I'm not saying that you should go around beating your kids but the time has come when "time out " does not work.  I grew up in the early 70's and graduated high school in '91, not one instance comes to mind when I ever saw a gun come onto school property. I know things have changed in four decades, both parents have careers that they work hard at to basically afford things they don't want to impress people they don't like, (a little Dave Ramsey for ya there) but your main job is your kids.
Its not the tv's job , its not the baby-sitter or grandparents job, its not even the school systems job to raise your kids, IT'S YOURS!  Investing in your child's future does not require money, however it does require you spend time with them, talking, listening, engaging in what interests them, not you.  I have two kids of my own, my wife and I both have jobs that are very demanding of our time and energy but we make time to spent with the kids even at a loss to ourselves sometimes, so, what's more important, your kids future or that next step up the corporate ladder?  I know, I know, I hear some of y'all reading this saying "you have no idea what my situation is", you're right I don't, but heed this,    "Teach your child in the way they should go and when they grow older they shall not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6.  That one statement right there puts all the responsibility at the feet of the parents.  Hate and mischief is not in our DNA, it is learned.  I was asked one time "You are teaching your daughter life's lessons at six?" My response was "When should I? at 12, 14, 16?"  How 'bout we wait until after she is unimpressionable to try it then.  One of my best childhood memories came from that same life's lesson. My step-brothers and I lived about 6 miles from the pool in the summer between 8th and 9th grade,  and we wanted nothing more than to swim all summer long.  Dad caught wind of our plan to be tan and wet all summer long, so he sat us down and laid it out like this, " If you can find a way there and back and pay for your swim you can go every day".  He thought that would teach us to make our own way at an age when we needed to know it. We had our bikes, not mountain bikes with all those different speeds either, freestyle bikes, the only speed it had was how fast you peddled.  So we had the transportation now for the money.  You want to talk about child labor laws, ha, there was no such thing back then, we stacked wood, cleared fields of brush, anything that we could do to get that $2.50 needed to swim and get a burger afterwards.  We thought we showed him -we got to swim all summer long.  Looking back on it now, he didn't do it to keep us from going - he wanted to see what we would do when we wanted something bad enough.  Since then we have all had jobs since the laws allowed and we work for the things we want, nobody is going to give us a ride to the pool.  Thats what I fear is wrong with the "parents of today" they want to give rides to the pool, and in return the kids today feel entitled to those free rides.  Raise your kids, don't fall victim to the worlds views on violence, and most of all - show them how to go instead of letting them "find themselves" or you might "find" them on a roof top with a deer rifle.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Power of the People

I witnessed something today , people uniting for one cause . No, it was not for a charity or a cause of action. It was a group of people I've never meet but have had several conversations with. People that do not live with in a twenty-five mile radius of my Castle DE Capps but yet I have invited into my home several times . People of different race , religion , and political status . A group of people that I can say I'm proud to be associated with. These people are people that I follow and that follow me on Twitter . All of your local news will report a story tonight , a story of a race , a race that took place in Daytona fl.    , and in that race a crash happens that puts the spectators in grave danger. What they won't tell you is what I saw in the aftermath of the wrecked race cars littering the infield of Dayton International Speedway. These same people banding together in prayer for those spectators injured from debris. Keep in mind we did not know these fans nor their families but some how we felt for them as if they were our close family member . Tweet after Tweet I read made me fill with pride to know that I picked the right "sport" to be associated with. No one cared at the time if their driver won , finished 2nd or 40th, they cared about that person from New York , Tennessee , Texas or where ever they are from sitting in the path of that debris field breaking through that catch fence, if you would like to tell your kids what the definition of what class is ; you won't find it in the Webster's dictionary , you will find it in a NASCAR fan. I thought back just a bout a month ago when the San Francisco 49ers played in Atlanta for a playoff game that the 49ers won , a stabbing was reported after the game because of a riff between fans of different teams. There are 40 drivers that competed in that race today and at the time just after the accident everyone was a fan of a "fan". That got me to thinking , what if we took that compassion , love, and the belief in prayer to another level ; our home, our community, our state and our country. Could you imagine what change would come our way? Just think about it . I like to use the saying " pulling on the same end of the rope" meaning don't fight me, help me. If we could all be compassionate , loving , and have the faith in prayer in other words if we could all just be a NASCAR fan this would be a world we would all be proud to be associated with.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Top Gear US

Have you ever been in a situation where everything you done was basically undermined by some hack trying to take credit for the idea? Well , Top Gear US has done just that. I feel sorry for those of you that don't have BBC America and have to watch this rubbish on the History channel. First of all the United States do not and will not be allowed to make the true machines that the real Top Gear UK tests, Second how in the wild world of sports can you put these blithering idiots on a show that has a long history of millions of viewers every week . Did they not have a casting pool to choose from or did they just find theses out of work losers and gave them a job? The real Top Gear is based on extreme cars doing extreme challenges , the US version however is based on copying what has already created and treat it as if they came up with this brillent idea . One question that I have is this ; If all you are going to do is copy what others have done then why didn't you just buy the rights to show the real show on your channel ? I am so afraid that this is just a preview of how the world is going to work in the future , steal another's idea when you can't come up with one of your own . C'MON MAN !

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

NFL fines Bret Farve ( C'MON MAN )

The NFL has fined Bret Farve 50 thousand dollars for failing to cooperate " in a forthcoming manner" ( what ever that means ) , even though they found inconclusive evidence of " objective photographs sent to the cell phone of Jenn Sterger a former employee of the New York Jets in 2008. Now I'm not a lawyer nor am I the commissioner of the NFL , I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn last night but even I know that this is ridiculous . 2008 , that was 2 years ago , two seasons before Bret Farve is set to retire ( for now ) , when he played for a different team than he does now , this comes to see the light of day. I am now going to ask the question that no one else seems to either want to or care to know the answer to . If some one sent you a picture of their private parts and you found said photo to be disrespectful , inappropriate , or in any way distasteful wouldn't you show someone in charge the picture right away ? They found no evidence of these photos , Sterger says " Oh I deleted them right away " . Well stupid , you kind of gave up your bitchn' rights as soon as you hit the delete button. I found it hard to fathom that after 2 years anyone much less the NFL would ever listen to this lame duck accusation . It would be my opinion that everybody saw this as a way to make money go from one persons pocket to others pocket with out it being theft . Now I'm not saying that Bret didn't send the pictures nor am I taking a stand for Bret , I am saying that the only thing that should have happened to this accusation was a big rolling on the floor laughing that should have been televised for all to see. Maybe then people will think twice bringing a knife to a gun fight. The only acknowledgement that the NFL or Jenn Steger should get from this ordeal is one big collective C'MON MAN!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Every march I enjoy the chaos that is march madness, this year I was shocked to hear a very disturbing report that a rule change is being discussed for the tournament ; Adding more teams to the big dance. Upon hearing this I began to get this burning sensation at the base of my skull and making it's way to my brain. You have got to be kidding me! Why? So I did my research on the subject and uncovered something much darker than I had anticipated . Turns out we have become the United States of the Offended ; There isn't any winners or losers in the US of O. Losing lowers self esteem and doesn't reward failure so we will have no losers in this land of ours. I found little league baseball teams not keeping scores and everyone that tries out makes the team. Being the way I am I asked the question why, The answer I received made my blood boil ; Well they're just kids , all of them are winners. Get your head out of the sand people ! This world is full of winners and losers . I know have been told time and time again the story that goes with the above picture but in case you lived in a cave for 30 years the moral of the story is incentive . Get off the couch , bench , or out of the bed and make something for yourself , so you tell these college kids don't worry about winning your conference you will go to the big dance , no need to finish the regular season number one cause you're all number one . Some things just don't sound stupid till you say them out loud, sadly it's too late then. I can't tell you how it started or where it this came from but as a society we are teaching our youth there are no winners or losers, how can you sleep at night as a parent telling your kids that? I grew up being told it's not if you win or lose it's how you play the game; Who was the Idiot that came up with that saying? Thank god I was raised by parents that had a different view, you will play the game with class and respect or you won't play, the rest really won't matter. Since the how you play the game part was decided the only thing left is if you win or lose ( winning is better ). Losing sucks it's supposed to , you have to have that carrot hanging in your face to get better . This will stick with them all through their lives , drive them to get the better jobs, be better husbands or wives , and contribute to society by knowing a winner when they see one ( such as a president ). There will always be winners and losers how will you raise your kids? Will you teach them to bitch and whine till they are given the same as someone that earned it or get up go out and earn it for your self? It all falls on our shoulders as parents and somebody with what I like to call " A CLUE ".

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am reminded of a time when Jesus was carrying his cross to Calvary, People laughing at him calling him names and having an over all good time. It was not till some time later when those same people knelt down and cried oh Lord what have I done? Then it began to sink in that their actions destroyed a man of GOD. Fast forward a few thousand years later and those same actions are being carried out again. Joy and happiness , dancing in the streets , and a feeling of accomplishment, how long this time before kneeling down and crying out oh Lord what have I done?
We have all heard the saying " You cant un-ring a bell", What the elected officials in Washington have done is create a way for them to tell you what treatment you will receive . Don't believe me? Look at the facts not opinions of the parties involved. They have been pushing this bill for 14 months now telling you that millions of Americans will receive health care, you can not be denied for pre-existing conditions, and it will cut our nations debt over the next 10 years. I hate to be captain obvious but I don't think we need over 2000 pages to tell us that.
Health care in this country needs to be looked at seriously for its flaws but what we have now is so much better than what other countries have. Opinion? Then why do they come to this country to get the help they need? Socialized medicine is better for the country. Opinion? Tell me one just one country where this is proved to be the case. This will cut our nations debt , are you kidding me? Do you really think you were delivered by a stork to your parents when you were born? What has the government ever cut not counting your take home pay? This will cost us dearly. Opinion? Just today the report came out that any company having 20 or more employees will have to provide insurance or face a fine ( started out as 50 employees ). Effective today you will receive a " surcharge " on your restaurant bill of 1 to 2 dollars to off set the the loss the company will receive due to this law. In this country we are riding a down hill slope on unemployment, Are you trying to tell me that a company that has over the 20 employees isn't going to " down size "? Come on folks!
I hear the complaints of the amount of money that these pharmaceutical companies make but I never hear the accolades of how they have find ways of treating cancer, the flu , or even the swine flu that so many of you stood in line for hours to get the vaccine . They may make a lot of money but doesn't it seem worth it when the drug you take can save your life? The research that is paid for with that same money that is too much for them to make. The cost of medical staff for a hospital is way too much, they wouldn't have to charge 500 bucks for that Tylenol if they didn't have to pay the doctors and nurses as much, have you ever called that doctor that has saved countless lives ( maybe your own ) and tell them thanks for giving me back my life my family and my hope but did I really have to pay that much for it? Wake up!
I just recently had the terrifying opportunity to go through breast cancer with someone who gave me the life I have, The procedure that they used was not to not fight the cancer but defeat it was not even heard of as little as 10 years ago ; How do you think this procedure came to be? the government came up with it? If you answered yes to that question please do the rest of us a favor and take along walk off a short pier. Innovation paid for by the very same dollars that people bitched about having to pay, research done by the doctors that were being paid way to much money. We are talking detection , removal , recovery room in 2 weeks. My family still has the same number of members as it did this time last month; With out the help of our government.
Socialized medicine run by the government is better than having to pay huge premiums. Do you really believe this be true? Please people! Get up right now find you a mirror look deeply into your eyes and list in any order the programs that your government has ran efficiently and with out total debauchery . I will give you just a few to start with: social security, automotive companies , the banking system , oh and the granddaddy of them all the budget. The only bright spot is we have the bravest men and women in our military but asked the question off the record and even they might not agree it has the efficiency it needs .
America wake up the coffee is burning a hole in the pot, We need to get our heads out of the sand and take back our country before it is too late, I don't care if you voted Republican or Democrat you have to see this is not the land of the Free and home of the Brave anymore.