Wednesday, December 29, 2010

NFL fines Bret Farve ( C'MON MAN )

The NFL has fined Bret Farve 50 thousand dollars for failing to cooperate " in a forthcoming manner" ( what ever that means ) , even though they found inconclusive evidence of " objective photographs sent to the cell phone of Jenn Sterger a former employee of the New York Jets in 2008. Now I'm not a lawyer nor am I the commissioner of the NFL , I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn last night but even I know that this is ridiculous . 2008 , that was 2 years ago , two seasons before Bret Farve is set to retire ( for now ) , when he played for a different team than he does now , this comes to see the light of day. I am now going to ask the question that no one else seems to either want to or care to know the answer to . If some one sent you a picture of their private parts and you found said photo to be disrespectful , inappropriate , or in any way distasteful wouldn't you show someone in charge the picture right away ? They found no evidence of these photos , Sterger says " Oh I deleted them right away " . Well stupid , you kind of gave up your bitchn' rights as soon as you hit the delete button. I found it hard to fathom that after 2 years anyone much less the NFL would ever listen to this lame duck accusation . It would be my opinion that everybody saw this as a way to make money go from one persons pocket to others pocket with out it being theft . Now I'm not saying that Bret didn't send the pictures nor am I taking a stand for Bret , I am saying that the only thing that should have happened to this accusation was a big rolling on the floor laughing that should have been televised for all to see. Maybe then people will think twice bringing a knife to a gun fight. The only acknowledgement that the NFL or Jenn Steger should get from this ordeal is one big collective C'MON MAN!

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